Sunday, January 01, 2006

I will never grow so old again...

The first day of the new year seemed like a good enough time to return to blogging, after having deleted my previous site due to the arrival of a new baby, and to calm my wife's nerves since she worried some senior citizens with minds muddled by medicare reform were going to come and lynch me for some comments I made about their behavior in low quality, chain buffets.
That said, I'm back to offend, and delight, and bore and everything under the sun.


EKENYERENGOZI Michael Chima said...

You had the pluck to delete your blog?

With all the comments?
Without apologies or regrets to all the commenters who are actually your partners in progress?

Your blog belongs to us and not to you alone.

Don't forget that.
It is a dialogue.
And not a monologue.
Make this one last.

God bless.

Anonymous said...

welcome back into the blogosphere!

social insect said...

Chuck this one in the trash too if you'd like. It IS your damn blog. But I am happy you've begun anew.